I get this question from clients, despite the fact that we have pricing guidelines on the website that clearly state the starting prices of our cakes.
I cannot recount the number of times I have repeated this answer: "At Essence Cakes, we make custom cakes and do not have fixed prices for cakes. The price of a cake depends on the cake type, filling, design, and decorative elements required on the cake.” You would think this explanation would help, right? Nope, because the client usually follows with: "That cake on your website (followed by cake description), how much is it?" Pardon me; I am not able to give you a price because I do not remember the cake details off head. However, if you give me the details of what you are looking for, I will be able to give you a quote based on that.
Just last week, someone walked into the shop and said, "I know you make custom cakes and do not have fixed prices for your cakes because you need certain details.” Great! Here is someone who understands how custom cakes are priced. Then, pointing to a dummy cake, she said, “I want a cake like this one, how much is it?"